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Individual Health Insurance

There are many options available for health insurance coverage and knowing and understanding all of your options can help your lower your health insurance costs. Several popular plans may provide many benefits, as well as certain drawbacks, and understanding these differences can help you determine the right health insurance choice for you and your family.

Health insurance plans can vary greatly, and the coverage you need will depend on your health and specific wants and needs. Knowing the different types of coverage, what the insurance pays, and what the deductibles are is the most important step to saving on your health insurance.

3 Easy Ways to Save Money on your Health Insurance

If you're like most people then you may often worry about the rising cost of health insurance. Here a few quick and easy tips that can save you hundreds if not thousands of dollars on your health insurance premiums.

  1. Increase your deductible. This is one of the quickest ways to lower your premiums. The cost difference between a $500 deductible and a $5,000 deductible would amount to a significant savings each month.
  2. Work with an agent or broker. Agents have the ability to get you quotes from multiple insurance companies and can help you compare the benefits of each plan for cost. Best of all working with a health insurance agent will cost you nothing and having an expert on your side can save you money.
  3. Consider a Health Savings Account (HSA). HSA's typically having lower premiums and once you've paid your annual deductible you won't have any other out of pocket expenses for health care received with that calendar year. Best of a health savings account is tax deductible. An HSA will simplify your health insurance. If you are in fair health or don't visit the doctor often you'd most likely benefit from an HSA.

Call BIG today at 800-867-7074 for a free health insurance quote and needs assessment or fill out the underwriting pre-screen questionnaire and click submit.

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